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Stick to Local Farms Adventure Map Debuts at Rosendale Farmers Market

On June 5 the Stick to Local Farms project will debut the third annual map of Rondout Valley farms that offer a free art sticker to each visitor. The launch party will take place at the Rosendale Farmers Market on Sunday, June 5 with festivities for children and adults.

The Rondout Valley has some of the best soil in the nation and is a Hudson Valley cornucopia of

Kingston YMCA Farm Project staff hold a Stick to Local Farms map
fruit, vegetables, livestock and more. Now an interactive art project offers an entertaining and rewarding guide to the area’s agricultural scene. “These farms are local treasures for the entire region, yet many people have no idea that they exist. The Rondout Valley is home to farms that grow over fifty flavorful varieties of fruit, vegetables and herbs, have colorful flocks of chickens and ducks, and scenic pastures where majestic horses and Belted Galloway cattle roam. They are fascinating places to visit,” says Maria Reidelbach, the artist, author and local food activist behind the campaign.

The heart of the Stick to Local Farms project is a beautiful folding map of the Rondout Valley. Mysterious blank spots on the map can be filled with colorful, theme-shaped stickers especially designed for over two dozen Rondout Valley farms and farmers markets. Kids, adults, tourists and locals can pick up a free map from a participating farm or from hundreds of racks around the area and then tour the farms, collecting a free sticker at each one. There are awards for collecting ten or more stickers, and a special, sparkly completion sticker and a market bag of farm goods and goodies for collecting all 26 stickers.

The launch party at the Rosendale Farmers Market will feature tastings of recipes using fresh local produce, a fruit and vegetable scavenger hunt for kids, the opportunity to get the first three stickers for the new map, live music, and more.

Stick to Local Farms is part of a nationwide grassroots effort to support local agriculture. It is the most recent interactive farm-themed artwork created by Maria Reidelbach, local food activist. For more info, email or call 646-242-6464.

Posted by Chris Hewitt on 10:26 AM. Filed under , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0

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